What we do - club activities
New techniques demonstrated at a club meeting
At Don Heads, NTARC sponsors beacons on 10, 6 and 2 metres, 70 and 23cm. All but the 10 metre are GPS locked and use CW ident. Latest details are available here
The picture shows the site and VK7JG (SK) OAM. doing maintenance work on the rack - his contribution here and in many other places was remarkable and celebrated in the naming of the Club’s VK7RJG repeaters.
Always opportunities for rag chewing and chin wagging, usually fuelled by tea, coffee and crumby stuff.
Safety Communications
Shown at the operating desk in the Comms trailer, (seen on the Home page of this site) used to support voice and data communications services provided at community events, such as equine endurance rides.
NTARC has provided checkpoints at national, state and local level competitions, together with displays of riders’ progress around each Leg of ride tracks totalling up to 160km in length (100 milers) and run over 24 hours.
Technical and physical challenges of building, placing and maintaining repeaters, antennae and power supplies in inhospitable, but spectacular, locations. This is on Mt Arthur where NTARC has several repeaters. under the call signs VK7RAA, and VK7RJG, plus a CB repeater. Other NTARC repeaters are on Ben Lomond VK7RBH , Barren Tier in the Central Highlands VK7 RIN and covering much of the East Coast on Snow Hill VK7REC.
A schematic of the NTARC repeater network, including external linked repeaters, is available here.
Repeaters South
NTARC also supports a repeater in the south of the State on Mt Wellington VK7RTC. This is linked to the North East, North West and West Coast
Keeping on Track
Regular meetings are held at the clubrooms to stay within the rules of incorporation, hear reports and provide opportunities to have an input to the Committee’s decisions
Jamboree On The Air / Jamboree On The Internet
Run over the third weekend in October. NTARC runs a full weekend of activities, based at the clubrooms.
Frosty morning at a checkpoint
Let’s meet up in real life to share in the hobby of Amateur Radio.
Have a look at our Club’s Rules and, if you’re happy, come along to one of our get togethers or other activities.