Broadcast - 31 December 2023

Firstly this week I must thank the listeners who took the time to e-mail or contact me with information about Lutwyche Radio. This was the business mentioned in last week’s broadcast, and its part in the implementation of two-way radios in taxis 75 years ago, which was another Tasmanian first.

Bernie VK7BR, Allan VK7AT and Peter VK7PD to name a few, were veritable gold mines of information, not just on the local businesses, but the people who owned them and others who worked there.

Evidently at some point, AWA occupied the same address of 69 George Street Launceston, but that’s another story.

There is a phenomenal wealth of information out there in the amateur community, it’s a pity it can’t all be collated into some form of repository of knowledge.

 Over the last few months at club technical nights and morning teas, the subject of the ACMA changes to our licenses has repeatedly come up. Well now is the ideal opportunity during the New Year break to hopefully answer your questions. There was a very timely presentation last Wednesday night on the REAST DATV Experimenters Night by Justin VK7TW. He walked us through the new “Class License” structure and its impact on VK amateurs from “changeover day” on the 19th of February 2024.

If you missed it live, “Don’t Panic”, the YouTube video can be found on the REAST site, the segment is about 30 minutes and covers the actual effect on us of the ACMA changes. Well worth the watch and thank you Justin.

 Now back to the house keeping.

 Annual General Meeting – of NTARC will take place on Wednesday the 14th February 2024 at the NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea commencing at 19:30 hours (7.30 pm). I know it is still only 2023…. well just! …… but please start thinking about who you would like nominated for the new 2024 committee. Club members are reminded that they will need to be 2024 financially current to be able to nominate or vote at the Annual General Meeting. Please note that for your convenience nomination forms will be available from the NTARC club room from Wednesday the 17th January 2024, our first day of opening for the coming year.

This of course brings us logically to…..

 Club membership renewal - It’s that time of the year again - All club members should have received an e-mail with instructions on renewing their membership for 2024. For those that have not received a renewal please e-mail the This will allow us to update your e-mail address as there has been a large number of changes this year due to some internet providers divesting themselves of the bother of hosting e-mail.


 The TestNet and TechNet session – is officially in recess. But I certainly won’t say it is taking a rest. As predicted the frequency and DISCORD channel has carried on regardless. The DISCORD channel with its ability to include pictures certainly gives things another dimension when it comes to visualising equipment and information. So have a listen as there certainly is activity on a Wednesday night on 3.567MHz.

 The Club Technical night session - is in recess until Wednesday the 17th January.

 The Friday Coffee Morning – is in recess until Friday the 19th January.

 FINALLY - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address all items to be received no later than 5pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

That’s all for this year folks,

73 and see you next year from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.


Broadcast - 7 January 2024


Broadcast - 24 December 2023