Broadcast - 23 May

Winter is rapidly approaching, I know that by the fact that we had our first major power outage last Friday at our QTH. Thankfully it’s all back up and running; no power on a rural property reliant on pumps etc. is not a happy situation.

Will begin this news this week with an update on the Tech Night held at the Club room on Wednesday 19th May, so over to Idris VK7ZIR;

“Not much to report this week. We had a monstrous clean out of the garage area and spread all the goodies out on tables in the big hall. Most of the evening was spent by members “shopping” in this area, between cups of coffee and socialising. At the end of the session, there was still a large quantity of items, some of the boat anchor persuasion, too heavy to carry away. There was a lot of discussion about how they were going to get their treasures into the house without the XYL noticing!

I think everyone was happy with their acquisitions, some had a considerable amount to carry back to the car. We are having a working bee soon, date to be advised, and any remaining items will be consigned to e-waste for recycling.

All for now.

73 Idris VK7ZIR”

EQUINE ENDURANCE EVENT – our next equine endurance event sees us return to our regular venue at Sassafras on 29 May, although on this occasion Base will be set up at Wattleford Park, on the Highway. Easy enough to find, thanks to the little Fergy tractor perched high on its pole. Set up will commence on Friday 28th with the gates being opened from noon and from 05:00 hours on the Saturday morning. The NTARC Comms trailer will be utilised at this event and will head off on the Friday to get all in readiness for the early Saturday morning start. RFID tracking will also be used. 

The event will host three rides, the 80km will commence at 06:30 hours, this will be followed by the 40km ride starting at 07:00 hours and the 20km ride will start at 09:00 hours. Sassafras is a pleasant 1 hour drive from Launceston so if you are able to spare a few hours and assist why not pop down on the Saturday and check in with our Safety Comms Coordinator Norm VK7KTN in the Comms trailer, I’m sure he will be able to find you something to do.

SCOUTING ACTIVITY - Earlier this month, Peter VK7KPC was able to visit the Cygnet Scout group as Project Commissioner Radio and Electronics for Scouts Tasmania. Also there that night was Michael VK7MRS who was running a foundation course. Students were 6 Scouts and 1 Venturer from Cygnet and 2 Scouts from Huonville. Demographics are 7 boys and 2 girls aged 11 to 17 years old. Peter’s main reason for the visit was to present operator badges to 2 of the local youth members as well as a new handheld each. These had been donated by local amateurs to help foster an interest in amateur radio by local youth. Licensed scouts in the Huonville group have also received handheld radios from the same source.

The 2 new operators are Thomas VK7LOL and Coen VK7CAG, who both passed the exams while under 15. If you hear them on air, please reply and welcome them to the hobby of amateur radio.

The Huonville group amateurs are Lakia VK7LBJ, Christian VK7CMD, Robbie VK7MPR and Billy VK7BSR. There is another scout who has passed the exam but is yet to obtain his licence.

Also please keep your ears open for VK7SDL operating from Ulverstone Scout hall using recent upgrades as mentioned in last week’s broadcast.

Peter, VK7KPC, Project Commissioner Radio and Electronics, Scouts Tasmania

MUG ORDER - yes, we are talking about the white mugs for drinking out of, those that have our club logo on one side, personalised with your name and call sign on the other. We are placing another order so if you would like one then please see André at coffee mornings or at the technical night. Those members who have already requested a mug, please email to confirm order, and anyone else who wants one please specify what name is to be printed above the callsign.


SLOW MORSE COURSE – Wednesday 26th May, fifth session. Your host and teacher is Nic VK7WW. Frequencies and times are the same as were used by Nic for the previous TestNet and TechNet. And if you have forgotten what they were, here they are, 1900 hrs to 1930 hrs on 3.580 MHz and then at 1930hours through to about 2030 on 3.567MHz. 

So why not tune in and give it a try. By the end of each week, between Morse Course Sessions, participants may have learned 12 characters. Then it’s time to practice them on air.

Nic will be explaining “how to have a contact” and the procedures and protocols. For those who may want some extra help, this website is reported as being very good.

TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 2nd June at the NTARC Club rooms, 19:30 hours until whenever. Continuous tea and coffee will be available, although a gold coin donation for the evening would be appreciated. 

JUNE GENERAL MEETING - Saturday 12th June commencing at 14:00 (2:00 pm). At this point it will be the standard agenda. If you have any item you would like added to the agenda please email the secretary at: no later than Wednesday 9th June. The meeting will be followed by afternoon tea and donations of cakes, slices etc would be appreciated. 

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events in the past have been normally a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We have a large quantity of QSL cards at the Clubrooms for several members, notably VK7BO.

Andrew VK7DW, our QSL manager will arrange to have them delivered if not collected soon. He can be contacted at for any queries.

Please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating the club and its facilities and other services we provide by joining us at these sessions, enjoying the company, coffee and the cake and leaving a gold coin or two, or even a small bank note, in the jar to assist in our on-going operations. I don’t know of any other venue in Launceston where you can get endless coffee, tea and eats for a donation of this miniscule amount. 

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address, all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc


Broadcast - 30 May


Broadcast - 16 May