Broadcast - 29 August 2021

As this news goes to air a number of NTARC members will be recovering from having spent yesterday at Scottsdale, providing Safety Comms for the North East Equine Endurance Club, Jolly Lette Memorial ride, held at Santarena Park. Hopefully the weather was kind to them and all went well. We will bring you an update on how things went for them in next week’s news.

In the meantime we provide you with a brief rundown on how things went last Wednesday night in relation to the Club tech session, so it is over to Idris VK7ZIR;

“A cool night last Wednesday didn’t hamper the attendance of a good roll up of members. Fire was well and truly burning brightly, urn on, biscuits and fruit cake out for all to enjoy. Lots of chatter about current and future projects. Some items of interest were brought along for a bit of show and tell. A very casual and enjoyable evening had by all. So until our next Club tech session that’s all folks

73, Idris VK7ZIR”

Thanks Idris for that update, great to see attendance still up there on these cool nights and with spring looming up and hopefully warmer weather, more will join you on these nights.

Just a reminder though to all attending the club rooms that we have the Check in TAS app at our club rooms. By registering and using the Check in TAS app we are complying with the Public Health Directions by enabling our members to self – check in at the club room. 

This information is stored with the Tasmanian Government for contract tracing if required. The QR code is up and running for members to utilize, with the QR code poster at the sign in table. Members are still able to register their attendance at the club by signing in manually in the attendance book if you are unable or you choose not to register using the Check in TAS app. Please note though that you must use one of those two methods. You do not have an option of not registering. That is a matter of law.


SLOW MORSE COURSE – Wednesday 1st September. Your host and teacher is Nic VK7WW. Frequencies and times are the same as were used by Nic for the previous TestNet and TechNet. And if you have forgotten what they were, here they are, 1900 hrs to 1930 hrs on 3.580 MHz and then at 1930hours through to about 2030 on 3.567MHz. 

So why not tune in and give it a try. For those who may want some extra help, this website is reported as being very good.

TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 8th September at the NTARC Club rooms, 19:30 hours until whenever. 

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events represent a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We currently have cards awaiting collection, so why not pop in and check the QSL box and join us for a cuppa and chat.

Just a friendly reminder, please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating the club, its facilities and the other services we provide, especially in these abnormal and very trying times, enjoying the company, coffee, biscuits and cake, by leaving a gold coin or two, or even a small bank note, in the jar to assist in our on-going operations. 

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc


Broadcast - 5 September 2021


Jolly Lette Ride 28th August 2021