Broadcast - 10 October 2021

My goodness, we’re nearly half way through the month of October. How time flies. Yesterday, Saturday the 9th NTARC held its October general meeting. I will be able to provide you all with a report next week, but in the meantime I hand over to Idris VK7ZIR to provide you with a summary of events of the Club Tech night held last Wednesday the 6th;

“Peter VK7KPC was an early starter tonight working away in the Radio Shack after lighting the fire and getting the urns going. Peter was in full preparation mode for the upcoming JOTA/JOTI next weekend, and was fine tuning his Echolink equipment in readiness. Also on his agenda was completing the fault-finding on our antenna matcher, which if you remember, had the collywobbles in the metering department. Still a work in progress, but getting closer.

Nic VK7WW attended for a while, taking a break from his Slow Morse instructor role. It was good to see him that evening.

Meanwhile, Ross VK7ALH staggered in with his Heathkit HW101 SSB transceiver. A lovely example of the marque, in the process of restoration. Ross took us through his activities with this radio which has a compliment of 20 valves, or tubes if you’re from the east side of the Atlantic. He has made some modifications to enhance the performance, Thanks Ross.

Idris VK7ZIR had some treasures recovered during a spot of dumpster-diving at the back of a local education institution. They consisted of some old electrical measurement equipment, namely a poly-phase wattmeter and a power factor meter. Both in relatively good condition but judging by the layer of dust and their age, had probably been the victims of not being of used for some time, and therefore no longer required. Also retrieved were some examples of microwave components, in the form of flexible waveguide with dry gas injection ports. Well scored Idris, some repurposing maybe?

Much discussion was had for organising radio equipment for JOTA, testing antennae and working out what would go where in the Clubroom and hall, and the order in which activities would occur, to comply with the current COVID procedures. Everybody was kept fairly busy through the evening and the time passed quickly.

All for now.

73, Idris VK7ZIR”

Thank you Idris for that update. Sounds like another good night out for all.

The following item of interest is from Peter Dodd, VK7KPC in his capacity as Project Commissioner Radio and Electronics, Scouts Tasmania. Peter says;

“On behalf of Scouts Tasmania I wish to thank my fellow Amateurs who are donating their time and in some cases equipment for the upcoming JOTA/JOTI weekend. Huonville and Cygnet Scouts are planning to be on air noon till noon over the weekend with their home grown youth member licensed operators. Amateurs from the North West have been doing upgrade work at the Paton Park Scout camp and should be on air from there and Spreyton. NTARC will be on air from noon till late on Saturday and on Sunday from 10.00 am to 3.00pm.

Also, fairly hot off the press, Huonville Scouts, Lakia using her callsign VK7LJB assisted by Aiva (who is still waiting for her callsign to be granted) won the Top scoring Foundation Licence ALARA member (Trophy) in the recent ALARA contest. The VK7HSD station operated by the boys also received an honourable mention. Thanks to Michael VK7MRS for encouraging these scouts to get their licences and to participate in the contest.

Again thank you

Peter, VK7KPC” 

On behalf of NTARC we also extend our congratulations to Huonville Scouts and also to Michael for his ongoing encouragement of these scouts and generally assisting them to achieve their goals in the field of amateur radio.


TestNet and TECHNET – Wednesday 13th October. TestNet/CW course on 3580 from 7pm till 7.30pm….and a TECHNET on 3567 from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW.

JOTA/JOTI 2021 – takes place from 15th to 17th October. Setting up will happen in the afternoon after coffee session Friday 15th. , Peter has lined up a number of events that will be taking place at the Rocherlea Scout Hall, commencing on Saturday 16th at noon and will run through until 8.00pm with the possibility of the Venturers attending after 8.00pm. Sunday 17th October will see groups arriving from 10.00am up to 3.00pm. Plan is they will visit for about 2 hours and the breakdown will see them spend half an hour utilising radio, this will be followed by half an hour on the Internet and a further half an hour outside locating those elusive foxes. Some Skype and JOTI TV will be thrown into the mix, plus 10 minutes being allowed for cleaning up between activities. Also on offer will be how to make a morse code trainer and this activity doesn’t require any soldering, so hopefully the first aid kit won’t need to be opened.

If anyone can assist on Saturday and Sunday, Peter would love to hear from you. He can be contacted by email; or mobile 0408 805 086. 

TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 20th October at the NTARC Club rooms, 19:30 hours until whenever. 


Plenty of notice this time. NTARC will be holding a Christmas dinner on Wednesday 15th December. Venue Mowbray Hotel, meet time is 6.00pm. Tables has been booked under the name of NTARC. Menu is a-la-carte and there is plenty of parking at the rear. Please RSVP the secretary at either of these email addresses or or jot your name down on the sheet next to the sign in register on a Wednesday night session or coffee morning. We will need to confirm final numbers with the Hotel on Tuesday 14th December, so please ensure you get your name on the list before that date. A number of members have already advised notice of attending, obviously eager for another night out.

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events represent a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We currently have cards awaiting collection, so why not pop in and check the QSL box and join us for a cuppa and chat.

Just a friendly reminder, please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating the club, its facilities and the other services we provide, especially in these abnormal and very trying times, enjoying the company, coffee, biscuits and cake, by leaving a gold coin or two, or even a small bank note, in the jar to assist in our on-going operations. 

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc




Broadcast - 3 October 2021