Broadcast - 17 October 2021

JOTA/JOTI 2021 has arrived and as we all know, it is the world’s largest single Scout event, these days taking place both online and over the air. As this news goes to air many amateurs around Australia and across the world will be busy assisting scout groups. Next week I’m sure our member Peter Dodd, VK7KPC, in his capacity as Project Commissioner Radio and Electronics, Scouts Tasmania will provide us all with an update of events that occurred in Tasmania and hopefully some greater detail on the activity at the NTARC JOTA/JOTI station.

Last Saturday, 9th October NTARC held its October general meeting. We had a good attendance and the agenda was again worked through in a timely manner. The main discussions in general business was the issue of the 2022 Membership fees. A requirement of our Rules is that the existing fees remain in place until specifically varied by a majority vote at a General meeting, with that vote ordinarily to be considered at such a meeting in the final quarter of each Club year. 

Idris advised that the Committee has discussed this matter and felt that for the period 1 January to 31 December 2022 membership fees should be increased by the amount of $5, which would mean that for a full voting member the current fee of $35.00 would be increased to $40.00 but the fee of $5.00 for each family member would remain. The treasurer noted in his report that there have been significant increases in operating costs during the year, not matched by similar increases in revenue. 

Idris then sought any questions or comments about this item and the general consensus was that this was a reasonable increase. A motion to that effect was put to the members and the vote by show of hands was unanimous. Renewal notices will be sent out in November to the address held on the membership register but if you wish to renew your fees before then please note that the NTARC website has a renewal notice and our bank details.

The meeting was followed by a presentation by member Ian Hart VK7IH. For those that don’t know him, Ian is a Paramedic with Ambulance Tasmania and volunteered his time to come along and give a presentation on how to use the Automated external defibrillator (AED), now a fixture in the NTARC clubrooms. His presentation ran for about an hour, as he stepped through the process of operating the unit. As Ian said, the machine does all the hard work for you, telling you what to do, when to do it and insists on the required breaks when appropriate. No, I can assure you we didn’t practice on a live body. The machine is so smart that if it detects that patient doesn’t need defibrillation it simply won’t do it. A very interesting and vital presentation and for those in attendance we now know how to use the box on the wall. If you haven’t noticed it, it is located on the wall, right hand side of the door leading into the kitchen. Great to have it on hand. Hopefully we never have to use it but then again, much of our membership is in age groups where this is more likely, so it is undoubtedly better to be prepared.

The presentation was followed up with afternoon tea and a chat. 


TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 20th October at the NTARC Club rooms, 19:30 hours until whenever. 

TestNet and TECHNET – Wednesday 27th October. TestNet/CW course on 3580 from 7pm till 7.30pm….and a TECHNET on 3567 from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will again be Nic VK7WW.

Equine Endurance Event – The NTARC Safety Communications Team has been asked to provide safety comms at the Tasmanian State Equine Endurance Championships at Merseylea on the 13th of November. The rides will be 160km, 95km and 50 Km. The 160km is a 24 hour ride that starts at 00:00 hours Saturday. We will be providing Base Comms, checkpoints and RFID tracking. We will need additional crew members to handle this event so if you can spare some time on that Saturday why not pop down to Merseylea, a pleasant 1 hour or so drive from Launceston and utilise your radio skills. Please advise if you are able to assist by emailing or catch up with Idris at a coffee session.


Plenty of notice this time. NTARC will be holding a Christmas dinner on Wednesday 15th December. Venue Mowbray Hotel, meet time is 6.00pm. Tables has been booked under the name of NTARC. Menu is a-la-carte and there is plenty of parking at the rear. Please RSVP the secretary at either of these email addresses or or jot your name down on the sheet next to the sign in register on a Wednesday night session or coffee morning. We will need to confirm final numbers with the Hotel on Tuesday 14th December, so please ensure you get your name on the list before that date. A number of members have already advised notice of attending, obviously eager for another night out.

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events represent a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We currently have cards awaiting collection, so why not pop in and check the QSL box and join us for a cuppa and chat.

Just a friendly reminder, please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating the club, its facilities and the other services we provide, especially in these abnormal and very trying times, enjoying the company, coffee, biscuits and cake, by leaving a gold coin or two, or even a small bank note, in the jar to assist in our on-going operations. 

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc


Broadcast - 24 October 2021
