Broadcast - 19 December 2021

Last Friday saw another huge attendance at our last coffee session for the year. Great to see so many turn up and enjoy the company, great food and for many, numerous cups of tea and coffee. The urn was topped a couple of times and the food was a good assortment of cakes, rum balls, yes definitely rum balls and very nice they were. Cheese, pates and dip as well as that favourite of many, sausage rolls for all to enjoy. 

Many ventured to the main hall to once again pick over items needing new homes. He may have wanted to join them but the Treasurer was kept busy receipting 2022 membership fees and of course accepting the donations from those who had been out in the man hall and had found that item of absolutely must-have treasure. It has been really pleasing to see so many members renewing before the end of the year. In case you have forgotten your 2021 membership fees expire on 31 December.

2021 has been an interesting year for many people what with COVID-19 and other health issues for a number of our members. I’m sure many of us cannot wait to see 2022 roll in and hopefully be a better year for all.

As this weekly news is the last till that man in red arrives, this is our final opportunity to wish everyone a Merry and Safe Christmas. For those of us travelling over this period please take it easy and obey all speed limits, as those men in blue are busy at this time of year. The other thing to remember is not to drive while using your mobile phone. That call can surely wait until your next stop. Enjoy your Christmas feast with family and friends. 

We now hand over to Idris to provide a report on NTARC’s end of year dinner held on Wednesday 15th December.

“NTARC held its end of year Club dinner at the Mowbray Hotel in Launceston. This venue had been recently renovated and close attention had been paid to the room acoustics. The result was very pleasing, conversations were a lot easier than some other venues we had attended, making for a very relaxed evening. 

By the time everyone had arrived, we had a record 37 diners sitting down for their meal. Numbers were swelled with Club members we hadn’t seen for a while, and family members we were delighted to meet for the first time. 

Orders were taken by the very efficient and friendly staff, and after initial drinks and chats, our food arrived. And what magnificent fare! Delicious food and plenty of it. Such was the size of the servings, that John VK7JFD only needed one helping of his favourite lamb shanks! (HiHi). Prices were very reasonable, and an economical senior’s menu was available, highly recommended by our Ebenezer VK7AT. Lots of room for circulating around the tables for chatting to as many as possible. 

Everyone commented on the quality of the food and service from the hard working staff. An evening enjoyed by all.

73, Idris VK7ZIR”

Thanks Idris, happy all went well for all and this looks like a venue to be used again for further social nights. Sadly I was unable to attend as the OM arrived home from the mainland but not early enough for us to join the function. 


TestNet and TECHNET – Wednesday 22nd December. TestNet/CW course on 3580 from 7pm till 7.30pm….and a TECHNET on 3567 from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will again be Nic VK7WW.


January General meeting – Saturday 8th January 2022. Meeting to commence at 14:00 hours (2.00pm). Afternoon tea will follow.

Club Tech night – Wednesday 12th January. Held at the NTARC Club rooms, 19:30 hours until whenever. 

TestNet and TECHNET – Wednesday 19th January. TestNet/CW course on 3580 from 7pm till 7.30pm….and a TECHNET on 3567 from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will again be Nic VK7WW. 

Annual General meeting – the Annual General Meeting of NTARC will take place on Wednesday 9th February 2022 at the NTARC Club Rooms, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street Rocherlea commencing at 19:30 hours (7.30 pm). 

Please note that for your convenience nomination forms will be available from the NTARC club room from Friday 7th January 2022, our first day of opening for the coming year. 

Members are reminded that they will need to be 2022 financial to be able to vote at the Annual General meeting, and before they can be nominated or nominate or second someone for office, as only financial members can exercise those privileges. 

The AGM will be followed by the February General meeting.

I will be writing to all the NTARC Coordinators soon requesting they start to think about their yearly report. Thank you to those that have already forwarded their report, very much appreciated.

The AGM will be followed by the February General meeting. More information on this matter in January.

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events represent a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We currently have cards awaiting collection, so why not pop in and check the QSL box and join us for a cuppa and chat.

Just a friendly reminder, please demonstrate your appreciation of all the effort that goes into operating the club, its facilities and the other services we provide, especially in these abnormal and very trying times, enjoying the company, coffee, biscuits and cake, by leaving a gold coin or two, or even a small bank note, in the jar to assist in our on-going operations. 

Christmas and New Year closure – the last day the Club will be open in 2021 for coffee mornings will be Friday 17th December. We re-open on Friday 7th January 2022.

This gives all members and especially the team that set up each week some down time to celebrate with family and friends. Plenty of warning on this one folks so please note your diaries.

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated. 

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc


Broadcast - 26 December 2021


Broadcast - 12 December 2021