Broadcast - 9 May
We begin this week by wishing all our mother members and listeners a Happy Mother’s Day. We trust that you all will be spoilt today by the family.
To all those mothers who hold an amateur licence, I hope you received something in the electronic field that you were really wanting and preferably not just that latest in toasters, hair dryers or mixmasters.
NTARC would like to welcome two new members to the Club, Stuart previously VK2EIS and Lionel VK7ZLB.
Check in TAS app – NTARC has registered and has been approved to use the Check in TAS app at our club rooms. By registering and using the Check in TAS app we are complying with the Public Health Directions by enabling our members to self – check in at the club room. This information is stored with the Tasmanian Government for contract tracing if required.
Last Friday at coffee the QR code was up and running for members to utilize, with the QR code poster at the sign in table. Members are still able to register their attendance at the club by signing in manually in the attendance book if you are unable or you choose not to register using the Check in TAS app.
RSGB Commonwealth Contest March 2021
The following is courtesy of Alan VK7BO who reports:
“Australia won the Team section of RSGB Commonwealth Contest (CW) for the fifth year in a row this year.
VK entered two teams, NTARC member Alan VK7BO was a member of Australia Team B who came third after Canada took out second place.
Congratulations to both VK teams.
Alan also entered the BARTG (British Amateur Radio Teledata Group) RTTY contest and was awarded a certificate for 1st place in VK7.
In the Spanish EARTTY Contest Alan achieved 2nd place in VK as he did in the IR-RTTY-WW Contest. (Interest Group RTTY) this year.
73 Alan VK7BO”
Congratulations to Alan and to all the other contestants.
On another front it appears our JOTA Coordinator, Peter VK7KPC has been somewhat busy. Last weekend Peter was asked to help out with a problem on Scout Island on the North Esk at Corra Lynn. It seems that some miniature animals had escaped from a nearby secret research facility. Fortunately they had all been previously fitted with VHF tracking collars in case this sort of situation occurred. As the animals were not considered to be dangerous due to their size, Peter was able to utilise the scouts who were camping on the island for the weekend.
Utilising the yagis and df receivers as used for fox hunting at JOTA the scouts were sent off to try and locate the missing animals. The animals, being genetically modified, must have developed some skills not normally seen in the full size versions. I mean who has heard of a hippopotamus climbing a tree?
By the end of the weekend the scouts had located and recovered lions, hippopotami and kookaburras. There was an unconfirmed report that a penguin had also escaped, however no trace could be found with the df equipment. Maybe it had swum downstream to escape.
All in all the scouts had a great time honing their tracking skills, plus other activities like abseiling and canoeing.
Now we hand over to Idris VK7ZIR to provide you with an update of the happenings from last Wednesday Tech night held at the club room;
“We arrived at the appointed time to find Peter VK7KPC was ahead of us and had things going. Being a good Scout, he had set the fire and turned the urns on, so all was ready for the evening. His ulterior motive for being early was that he wanted to be on air ready for the Morse school, run by Nic VK7WW, so we found him ensconced in the radio shack, busily copying the slow Morse Nic was sending. Onya Peter.
Last session it was mentioned that Peter was looking for a suitable helmet to complete his portable military radio setup which had a nifty antenna mount harness designed to clip to a soldier’s helmet. He has since found such a helmet from a surplus store, and the harness fits perfectly. It is a model of Danish military pattern. We look forward to seeing Peter in full regalia complete with the helmet mounted antenna. Using an antenna analyser, the helmet plus antenna tunes up on 6 metres.
Ross VK7ALH showed us a neat antenna tuner, model T-200, made by an Australian company by the name of STI. Some research is needed to find out about this company which probably does not exist today. Thanks Ross.
Tony VK7ZTT has been cleaning out his shipping containers, and arrived with boxes of goodies to be sorted and offered to our members. Many thanks Tony.
Lewis is now VK7IT, the old Institute of TAFE callsign. Good to see it reallocated to someone at the same location. We hope to hear Lewis on air soon.
New member Stuart took charge of some boat anchors we have had for a while. Gone to a good home.
We welcomed Kevin VK7HKN back to the Club after his long convalescence. He arrived with XYL Lyn VK7FROG and stayed for a while, catching up with members. He has moved into the Aldersgate Residential Care facility just down the road. He is in Unit 83, so if you have a chance to visit him, he would love it! He will be on air too, so have a chat with him.
An enjoyable evening once again.
73 Idris VK7ZIR”
SLOW MORSE COURSE – Wednesday 12th May, third session. Your host and teacher is Nic VK7WW. Frequencies and times are the same as were used by Nic for the previous TestNet and TechNet. And if you have forgotten what they were, here they are, 1900 hrs to 1930 hrs on 3.580 MHz and then at 1930hours through to about 2030 on 3.567MHz.
So why not tune in and give it a try. By the end of each week, between Morse Course Sessions, participants may have learned 12 characters. Then it’s time to practice them on air.
Nic will be explaining “how to have a contact” and the procedures and protocols. For those who may want some extra help, this website is reported as being very good.
TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 19th May at the NTARC Club rooms 19:30 hours until whenever. Continuous tea and coffee will be available, although a gold coin donation for the evening would be appreciated.
JUNE GENERAL MEETING - Saturday 12th June commencing at 14:00 (2:00 pm). Further information on this meeting will be advised in forthcoming weekly broadcast news.
COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.
These coffee events in the past have been normally a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. Currently we have a few cards awaiting collection from past deliveries.
FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address, all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.
73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc