Endurance Ride - Glenelg
NTARC, assisted WICEN (South), to provide rider tracking and safety communications for a new equine endurance event on the Glenelg property between Gretna and Hamilton in the Derwent Valley and run by the Southern Tasmania Endurance Riders. The track was spectacular, rising to high ground with outstanding views - mostly including valleys filled with fog!
From NTARC, Idris VK7ZIR, Stefan VK7ZSB, Andre’ VK7ZAB, Roger VK7ARN and from WICEN, Justin VK7TW, Lee VK7LEE, Anthony VK7AG, Garry VK7JGD and Randall VK7VWK with XYL Jodie (some of the group having dual membership).
Arrivals started 13:00 on Friday, with checkpoint exploration the order of the afternoon. That sorted (after obtaining a knowledgeable local guide to locate one checkpoint), attention was focused on “Alice’s Kitchen, the Ride Base canteen, for sustenance. The afternoon’s activity had generated some serious appetites and, unfortunately, the advertised main courses were still receiving final touches in a local farm kitchen. The problem was solved by partaking in entrees of egg and bacon rolls to tide over until the arrival of the main dishes, which were subsequently much enjoyed.
The NTARC crew then left the site to the hardy WICEN campers and headed down the valley to warmer quarters in New Norfolk. When settled in, cheeses were served along with an Irish drop (which had been presented at an earlier ride in St Helens as a compensatory measure for an imposed last-minute change. The consensus was that, as a cheese accompaniment, the drop(s) did a fine job!
An early rise and 06:00 departure saw the NTARC crew heading back up the valley to collect ride paperwork and move out to the respective checkpoints. Stefan spent part of the day developing his shepherding skills, to keep a large flock of sheep on the correct side of the Lyell Highway. (The writer didn’t observe this activity, so can only imagine how Stefan handled the task. Sheep dog trials attended in the Yorkshire Dales provided mental images, transposing Stefan for one of the black and white long haired woofers seen in action at those events).
The writer, having furthest to travel, departed over the Central Highlands to the North West immediately after his checkpoint closure, so is unable to report on the final hours of the group’s activity; though Stefan was observed leaning on a gate at the highway, presumably recovering from his canine impersonations.