Broadcast - 20 Oct 2024
A big thank you to Jordan VK3ACU for hosting the Wednesday evening TestNet and TechNet session. Jordan and Kiran VK3BTV even tackled the CW side of the nights net and from what I hear they all had a fun evening, something to do with inverse morse code…… With the aid of modern technology in the form of Discord, Nic VK7WW was able to keep an eye on things by listening to the off air streaming audio channel provided by Phil VK7ZPD who was holding the Discord side of things together as usual. Rumour has it Nic was “kicking back” and listening to the net from his opulent accommodation within a Douglas DC3 aircraft! Enjoy the break while you can Nic, but it looks like you left things in good hands.
By the time you hear this on Sunday morning we will be half way through this year’s JOTA/JOTI two day event! If you would like to assist and volunteer some of your time you still have until 3pm. Just drop down to the Venue at the NTARC Club rooms, at the Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer St. Or if you prefer, listen out and respond to any CQ JOTA calls as I am sure we will need some local contacts to chat with the participants on air in case we can’t link up to other Scout venues.
TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm till 7.30 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening might be Nic VK7WW.
Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 23rd October and will commence at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.
Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
That’s all folks,
73, Stefan VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.