Broadcast - 8 Dec 2024

First up, over to Roger VK7ARN, for a quick Equestrian Endurance Ride update from last weekend.

“NTARC with REAST (WICEN) and Ulverstone Radio Operators’ Club provided safety comms and rider tracking at the State Championships this weekend, out of Santarena Park near Scottsdale.

Rides were 160km (starting at midnight), 95km (starting at 05:00), plus 55km and 15 km intermediate and introductory rides.

Base and three checkpoints (two in the same location - In and Out) were provided.

The checkpoints were at Rodeo Road Crossroads and at “Rex’s Race” - renamed “Gilwell Park” (due to the proportion of staff with a current or previous Scouting background).

Weather conditions started good and ended miserably.”

Thanks Roger, I certainly agree that it went from good weather to an almost continuous drenching over the couple of days. But I really shouldn’t complain, I couldn’t even imagine being on a horse for 160km, let alone in these miserable conditions! Thank you to all who volunteered and assisted in the smooth running of the communications side of the event. Also to Peter VK7KPC, who distributed his renowned home-made fruit cake, with the extra “secret” ingredient to pre-soak the fruit in! Special thanks goes to Justin VK7TW who volunteered to go back to Peter’s QTH and courier the above aforesaid cake to the event as Peter had left it on the kitchen bench! This cake seems to be turning up at most major club field events and is enthusiastically consumed. HiHi

Now for something hot off the press, or in this case maybe hot from the letter box would be more appropriate. I also have a strong suspicion that it will probably be covered in greater depth elsewhere in this broadcast but…

When I was perusing the latest Amateur Radio publication I was greeted with a picture of club member Nic VK7WW’s smiling face in his radio shack and quoting AR, he was “Getting right into the spirit of the contest this year, operating his well-maintained vintage equipment”. It was of course for the 2024 Remembrance Day contest held in November. In this case Nic’s equipment was a Coast-watchers AWA 3BZ Transmitter and a Marconi CR150/3 Receiver, both circa World War II and very appropriate for this competition. Well done Nic and all the other VK7s that participated in the event. Check out AR page 52 for more information.

Once you have checked out that page turn to the next page and you will find that Peter VK7KPC, and Justin VK7TW, have also been active with a couple of different competitions. They both have made it into the “44th Alara Contest Results” for 2024 with Peter also obtaining a Third Place in VK Shires as a “Single Operator 10 W”. Well done Peter and Justin and also once again to all the other VK7s that participated in these events.

Don’t forget there is a Club General Meeting this Wednesday the 11th December at 7.30pm. Held at the NTARC Club Room, Rocherlea Scout Hall, Archer Street, Rocherlea.

Club membership renewal - It’s that time of the year again! All club members should receive an e-mail, within the next couple of days, with instructions on renewing their club membership for 2025. For those that we don’t have an e-mail address for, you should receive a letter and renewal form sent via snail mail.

As always, pictures will be available on the NTARC Web site under “Blogs” for this broadcast. NTARC Blogs


TestNet and TechNet session - Every Wednesday, TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7 pm till 7.30 pm, then a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30 pm till 8.30 pm. Your host for the evening is Nic VK7WW.

Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10 am to noon and we look

forward to seeing you all there. So why not pop in check the QSL cards and join us for a cuppa, there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.

Club Room Technical night session - The next session will be on Wednesday the 18th December commence at the usual time of 6.30 pm at the Club Room Archer Street, Rocherlea.

Finally - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address all items to be received no later than 5 pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

That’s all folks,

73, Stefan VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc.


Broadcast - 15 Dec 2024


Tas Endurance State Championships