Broadcast - 16 Apr 2023
April certainly seems to be this clubs month for historic happenings, commencing with ten years at the club rooms as mentioned in previous broadcasts. The next happening was well and truly beyond our control, three years ago the club rooms and just about everything else for that matter closed and all came to a grinding halt as protective measures were put in place to slow the spread of Covid-19. With this went the weekly coffee mornings as well as the Wednesday evening Technical sessions held at the club rooms. All club activities ceased…… until a knight in shining armour came along in the form of our very own Nic VK7WW or as we knew him then VK7BEE. Nic enthusiastically suggested that he could run a weekly Wednesday night “Tech Net” session on 3.567MHz. The idea was greeted with instant approval, so with Nic hosting the on air Net and Paul VK7KPA managing Discord, they went live in April. It was a monumental success and within about a year had morphed to include a Test Net and CW Morse code training session. The rest, as you say is history, it has been successfully running for three years and approximately 150 evenings, it now also boasts a good mainland amateur participation, propagation allowing. Phil VK7ZPD now keeps Discord ticking away and also provides the off air audio stream. Rick VK7HBR along with Phil, also have been known to stand in as the Guest Host and Net controller when Nic has been unavailable. Finally thanks to all who have participated in the nets, whether on air, on Discord or as a short wave listener.
Did you know Australia entered two teams in the recent RSGB Commonwealth Contest? Well it turns out that congratulations are in order for both teams. Team 1 for coming 1st again and Team 2, with NTARC member Alan VK7BO, which came in 2nd this year. Quite an achievement against VE, G and other Northern Hemisphere Commonwealth Teams. Remember this was a CW only contest. Congratulations must go to Alan for helping wave the flag for Australia and Tasmanian amateurs.
While we are on the subject of competitions we still have a few members waiting on the next round of results to be posted by the John Moyle contest organisers, stay tuned and fingers crossed.
Mug Order - Those members who ordered a personalised club mug, they have arrived and are available for collection at Friday coffee mornings or at the Wednesday bi-weekly club Technical Nights. Special deliveries can be arranged for our far-flung members.
Because of the high number of enquiries we will be placing another order fairly soon, so if you would like one then please see André. So anyone else who wants one please specify what name is to be printed above the call sign. The final price will be about $12 depending on eventual quantity ordered.
The Club Technical night - The next session will be on Wednesday 19th of April and will commence at the usual time of 7.30 pm, running through to about 10.30 pm, at the Club room Archer Street, Rocherlea.
Coffee Morning - held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Time is from 10am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there. Why not pop in and join us for a cuppa there is endless tea and coffee along with biscuits available for a donation.
The TestNet and TechNet session - Wednesday the 26th of April. TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm…. and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will be Nic VK7WW.
FINALLY - A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address all items to be received no later than 5pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
That’s all folks,
73 from Stefan, VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC.