Broadcast - 11 April 2021

As the news is being put to bed on Friday night, we will provide a report in next week’s Broadcast on happenings at yesterday’s April General Meeting. In the interim and as promised last week, we now provide you with a report on the Equine Endurance ride at Scottsdale on Easter Saturday 3rd April

“Our second ride for the year was the Lockhart Challenge at Santarena Park Scottsdale, on the 3rd of April which was Easter Saturday. This is our favourite location.

An advance party of Idris VK7ZIR, André VK7ZAB and Stefan VK7ZSB did a daytrip on Thursday to deliver the Communications trailer and setup the repeaters at a nearby farm.

The full crew arrived Good Friday afternoon with the checkpoint operator’s eager to collect their equipment and head off to their sites and have everything setup in daylight.

We trialled a new feature this weekend, that is sending the list of riders from base to checkpoints via the packet radio link. At the checkpoint we attached a Raspberry Pi Zero with Wi-Fi to the TNCs. This was used as a hotspot Web server and could be accessed via a phone or laptop. This provided a lists of riders with full names and their bib numbers for all events. Roger was so keen he brought along a small battery printer to print out the sheets at his check point.

It was a very early start with 26 riders in the 120 km event leaving base at 04:00 hours.

The 55 km event had 20 riders that started at 08:00 hours and the 15 km event with 16 riders that started at 11:00 hours.

Peter VK7KPC manned the 1st checkpoint which was on Waterhouse Road. The first riders raced through at 05:00 hours, not slowing to call out their bib numbers. The checkpoint was only used once so Peter went back to bed until daylight. He awoke to a thick dew on his vehicle awnings before packing up and heading over to Rodeo Road, to assist and dry out the awnings.

At the Rex’s Race checkpoint there was Roger VK7ARN and Garry VK7JGD. Gary must have liked this location from last year’s State Championship as he volunteered again to travel up from the south of the state.

Rodeo Roads checkpoint was crewed by Idris, Stefan and later Peter.

As the road to the checkpoint has had the washouts repaired Stefan brought along his pop-top trailer instead of setting up the usual gazebo. This did provide a more sheltered environment.

After the 2nd 40km leg Rex’s Race was able to pack up and head back to base. Rodeo Road had to stay for the 15km event and the final leg of the 120km event. The final riders didn’t go through until 18:25 hours.

The Base was crewed by Andre’, Norm VK7KTN and Loraine. Bernie VK7BR came along to give us a hand and stayed to help derig the trailer.

It was a successful event but a long day. Thank you to all the NTARC Safety communications Crew.

Cheers, Norm Thorley VK7KTN, NTARC Safety Comms Coordinator”

We now hand over to Idris VK7ZIR to give you a rundown of the Tech Night held at the club room on Wednesday 7th April

“First in the door was Lewis, who is currently waiting for his exam results and callsign, which could be VK7LS, with a large metal box. This proved to be the control section of a very large UPS. It was faulty, but Lewis was able to rescue it from the skip. Lots of nice components and large toroids for various projects. Good one Lewis.

Ross VK7ALH showed us a very neat antenna matcher made by AWA, Model MTU140 with a distinctive row of LEDs as a tuning aid. A very tidy unit inside with the cover off as well. Thanks Ross.

This evening we made some changes to our large screen TV facilities. An HDMI signal was taken from the main computer and split between the large screen TV and the computer monitor. Useful for presentations and screening video clips. We had a problem with using a long HDMI lead to the big TV, the image was distorted and unwatchable. Clever Simon VK7FSRM solved the problem by reversing the HDMI lead which produced a perfect picture. Thanks Simon, you prevented a lot of head scratching!

The Discord session was running with comments and photos from the 80 metre Net participants.

A relatively quiet night overall but enjoyed by all attending. Ebenezer VK7AT and Bernie VK7BR had to leave a bit earlier to go on a cheese and butter hunt!

73 Idris VK7ZIR”

Thanks for that update, Idris. We now pass the baton to Nic VK7WW to give you an update on the happenings of the unofficial TestNet and TechNet held last Wednesday:

“12 months ago, Nic VK7WW offered to run the first formal TechNet for NTARC, for a period of 12 months. This came as a result of the COVID pandemic. As 12 months has now gone-by....and interest seems to have waned...Nic will only run informal nets on an “ad hoc” basis - same times, same frequency, but he may not always be there....if someone else would like to run the nets formally, Nic will be happy to assist.

The running of any regular Net is a big commitment and sometimes you have to organise your life around the Net, particularly if no one comes forward to assist.

So please spare a thought for those of us who commit to running nets, internet links (e.g. Discord), streaming audio, broadcasting the Weekly News, Newsreaders and relay stations- not forgetting those who write the reports and news items.....and forward them on to secretaries and committee who compile them! It’s a big effort!

The TestNet on 3580 at 7pm

Nic, VK7WW ran the TestNet with two stations calling in to give reports on Nic’s improved prototype AM tx. (3 transistors with 3w carrier output.)

VK5ET John, NE of Adelaide with 35w from a FT891 and inverted V antenna; and,

VK7KPA Paul, on Mt Arthur.

Conditions were very good, though early in the evening there was fast QSB and a few static crashes.

The TechNet followed at 7:30pm local time using the NTARCs callsign VK7TAZ on 3.567 with five stations on Net

◦ VK7ZPD Phil, spoke about further developments with his SDR dongle and making a panadapter display - something which has much more information on, than the common “waterfall” displays.

◦ VK7ALB, Peter was running late and just called in to say g’day.

◦ VK7KPA, Paul (and Nic) are very keen to do something similar in how Phil is using his SDR dongle. Phil has written some very clear “setup instructions” to assist.

◦ VK7OR Owen in Yolla reported having just had a contact across Bass Strait with VK3UJ, Steve on UHF.

◦ VK3MKE Keith, is using his modified Codan marine radio; and, along with several other stations, could hear Nic’s 3w AM Tx ‘loud and clear”

Paul VK7KPA hosted Discord assisted by Phil VK7ZPD for audio streaming - with 8 stations logged-in (Thanks Paul and Phil!)

On line topics and photos included

• Nic VK7WW’s AM Tx

• Map of lightning strikes - monitoring static crashes!

• Murphy B40 Comms Rx

• Phil’s SDR panadapter displays.

• Morse keys,

• Comments on signal strengths, and

• Audio recordings from VK7ZPD

Thank you for joining the Nets and, those who listen on HF, Discord ...and SDRs around the world via the Internet, wherever you may be! This is Nic VK7Whiskey Whiskey, on behalf of the Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club, now signing clear.”


TESTNET AND TECHNET SESSION – Wednesday 14th April, there will again be a TestNet, hosted by Nic VK7WW, at 1900 hrs (7.00) on 3.580 MHz for any stations wishing to test their homebrew transmitters, repaired equipment, new acquisitions etc. Nic is able to accommodate SSB, AM and CW transmissions and is always happy to hear from any station wishing to utilise the net. Nic VK7WW also hosts the TechNet session which follows on at 1930 hrs, (7.30 pm) on 3.567MHz.

TECH NIGHT – Wednesday 21st April at the NTARC Club rooms 19:30 hours until whenever. Continuous tea and coffee will be available, although a gold coin donation for the evening would be appreciated. The Discord on-line session that normally accompanies the TechNet 80 meter event will also be alive, to allow members who cannot be present in person to continue their participation via that medium.

COFFEE MORNINGS – currently held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10.00 am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all.

These coffee events in the past have been normally a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. Currently we have a few cards awaiting collection from past deliveries.

FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email me at the following address, all items to be received no later than 17:00 on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.

Your continued cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

We will bring you all such contributions next Sunday morning.

73, Yvonne VK7FYMX, Secretary NTARC Inc


Broadcast - 18 April 2021