Broadcast - 27 Feb 2022
Last Wednesday was club tech night, a very diverse and interesting evening, covering items from an old field military valve pin straightener through to a microwave Earth Moon Earth portable system. Over to Idris, VK7ZIR;
“It was a packed program tonight as we got underway after missing three Tech nights because of meetings, AGMs etc. Everyone was enthusiastic with plenty of show-and-tell at hand. Peter VK7KPC showed us the latest addition to his collection of military radio equipment. This was a Field radio Test set model FT2, resplendent in an environmental enclosure with test and straightening sockets for various valves and connection points for interface cables to radios under test. Test results were indicated on a multi-purpose meter. This instrument was in excellent condition and showed little heavy use. Peter connected a Murphy Radio man pack to demonstrate the testing process. Instructions for use were printed on the cover. Thanks Peter.
Next was Ross VK7ALH with three examples from his substantial collection. A SuperMatch antenna coupler from KW Electronics, made in England in the 60s, which included a 300W dummy load and in-built SWR/Power measuring facility. Original binder posts for antenna connection had been replaced with SO239 sockets. All in good condition. Another antenna coupler was a Daiwa CL-66, and lastly a USA made Alba 103 HF transceiver which Ross has restored to a working state. Thanks Ross, what next from your huge collection?
Bill VK7MX had just received a very neat kit for a 5 band SDR transceiver, consisting of two circuit boards with certain surface mount components already soldered, a bag of components and from a different source, a 3D printed plastic case. The circuit boards were a RF part and a main board with IO section. We will watch Bill’s progress with interest.
Stuart VK7FEAT brought along his home brew antenna matcher to be tested with Andre’ VK7ZAB’s antenna analyser which showed on a graphical display the characteristics of the coupler on each HF band. Stuart also shared his experience with earthing straps on his vehicle.
We then had a presentation from Peter VK7PD which included a videoed interview with Richard VK7ZBX by Hayden VK7HH played on our large screen. Richard has constructed microwave equipment for 10GHz EME experimentation, including a trailer mounted dish antenna, which he demonstrated at the recent REAST Open Day in Hobart. Peter explained about EME or MoonBounce and also mentioned Richard’s recent long range contact achievements to Europe via the moon. Thank you Peter for a very informative session.
We welcomed several visitors to the Club this evening. Ross who came with Peter VK7PD is hoping to take his licence exam soon. Brendan VK7VIP brought along Adam and Rob, with his service dog Jerry, who are also looking towards Foundation licences, hopefully in the near future.
Kevin VK7KJL wanted to program some radios, but alas, was unable to find suitable software applications for his Alinco DX-70 and Icom IC40S. If anyone can help, Kevin would be delighted.
All the while from the Radio shack we were hearing the melodious tones of Nic VK7WW’s 127mW QRP Morse beacon on 10MHz. A fitting accompaniment to an enjoyable evening.
73, Idris VK7ZIR”
At this point we would like to thank Lorraine, Norm VK7KTN, Brendan VK7VIP and Peter VK7KPC for an unplanned mini garden make over at the Club Rooms.
Club Tech night – Wednesday 9th March. Held at the NTARC Club rooms, 7.30pm until whenever.
TestNet and TechNet – Wednesday 2nd March. TestNet/CW course on 3.580MHz from 7pm till 7.30pm….and a TechNet on 3.567MHz from 7.30pm till about 8.30pm. Your host for the evening will again be Nic VK7WW.
Coffee Morning – held every Friday in the NTARC Club rooms. Catch up time is from 10am to noon and we look forward to seeing you all there.
These coffee events represent a good opportunity to collect your QSL cards. We currently have cards awaiting collection, so why not pop in and check the QSL box and join us for a cuppa and chat.
Again a reminder that masks be worn at these sessions but you will be able to remove your mask whilst eating and drinking but it does need to be put back on when finished.
FINALLY – A reminder to all members that if you have any items of news you would like added to our weekly roundup, no matter how trivial, then please email them to the Secretary at the following address all items to be received no later than 5pm on the Friday prior to the Broadcast.
73, Stefan VK7ZSB, Secretary NTARC Inc